2025 Nostr Predictions:…

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2025 Nostr Predictions:

1. Algos will seriously challenge follow lists. Clients will de-emphasize the author to focus the post's merit on the content itself and push algos further.

2. First ad-based, VC-backed Nostr client will appear and seriously challenge incumbent clients on UX quality from the revenue model's deep pockets.

3. The Nostr Android ecosystem will evolve to be the proven app decentralization model for all other platforms. App-to-App communication takes over as a Nostr layer 3. Users are on-boarded to a Store, not to a single client.

4. Local-first clients with shared pool of events will become the only way to create a "good enough" performant experience on Nostr without using centralized caching servers, blurring the lines of online and offline.

5. First AI-native Nostr client attempts to render and react to any Nostr content based on voice/chat commands only. The notion of a "feed" disappears. AI-made content starts to challenge human-made content for top zaps and trending posts.

6. Moderated communities are re-born, grow slowly but consistently over time. Safe spaces that create genuine connections and clean, authentic content become a valueable revenue source for moderators.

7. Nostr libraries continue to have a hard time defining stable abstraction layers for Nostr clients to use. Which will lead to a NIP-like repo especifically designed to enable the development of interoperable abstractions that can overtake the complexity of the Nostr relay network protocol.